When planning and implementing your grant program, you will need to promote these to the local community, older adults, and any key stakeholders relevant to your activities. It’s essential that you use a range of promotional methods to ensure the target audience for your program is reached, and your activities well attended by the community. Some of the promotional tools you can use to spread the word about your grant program include:
- brochures
- community noticeboards
- direct email
- engaging local seniors groups or health and community services
- flyers
- local newspapers
- local radio
- mail drops
- mail outs
- media releases
- posters
- social media (both your own and other organisations)
- websites

Working with the media
Local media coverage is a great way to spread the word about your grant program, activities, and events within your community. You can engage with the media by:
- Sending out a media release to local newspapers in your area.
- Calling your local radio station and enquiring about relevant shows that you can join to talk about your grant program or topic.
- Writing a story about your grant program, activities, or events and publishing it on your website. Contact other organisations and ask them to publish it on their website and social media channels too.
The key is to ensure that your content is newsworthy and attention-catching! Our tips for writing media content include:
- Keep your media releases nice and concise; to the point and under one page.
- Make sure all key information is captured, including the purpose of the program or activity, date, time, venue, costs, and how to register for attendance.
- Include quotes from your organisation about the topic of interest, or contact Injury Matters for a quote!
- Be creative and catchy with your media release title; this is what will initially draw readers in.
Write a media release with Injury Matters
Did you know that Injury Matters is also available to write and distribute a media release in partnership with all grant recipients? Teaming up with Injury Matters, or another organisation, is a great way to incorporate a range of specialist knowledge and quotes into your media release as well as extending the reach of your media release.
Injury Matters is available to provide grant applicants and recipients with support regarding program promotion at any point during the Move Improve Remove grant application and delivery process. If you would like support and guidance in this area, please contact Injury Matters on (08) 6166 7688, via [email protected], or complete our online request form for grant coaching or support.