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Information and Support

Road Trauma can affect anyone and affects everyone differently. From people who have caused a crash to those who have witnessed one. From first responders to bereaved relatives and friends. The effects of road trauma ripple through our lives and community.

After a crash, people often find the most important things for recovery are time, understanding, and support from family and friends. Find out more about the impacts of road trauma:

If you are in need of immediate support, please contact your GP or one of the following services;
Lifeline 13 11 14
Samaritans Crisis Line 13 52 47
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
Crisis Care 1800 199 008


After a crash, people often find the most important things for recovery are time, understanding, and support from family and friends. If you are experiencing ongoing or distressing symptoms which are interfering with your usual life, it’s best to seek help from a professional.

You can organise a health check with your General Practitioner (GP) who can give helpful advice on how to proceed including referral options in your local area. This may include seeing a counsellor or psychologist, through various services.

A trained professional can support you to process your experiences and assist you in coping in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental manner. Even if the event occurred some time ago, it is never too late to seek help.

Road Trauma Support WA provides a free personalised counselling service to anyone affected by road trauma. You can access our service in person, via telephone or video. To book an appointment, contact us at 1300 004 814 or

Find out more

Injury Matters delivers the Road Trauma Support WA service through funding by the Road Trauma Trust Account and contract management by the Road Safety Commission.

We strive to be culturally sensitive as we represent the Western Australian community in our imagery.

Please be advised that our website or resources may contain images, videos, or voices of people who have since passed away.

If any material causes concern, please contact us on (08) 6166 7688.