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Injury Matters eNews | August 2022

Hidden Harms from Alcohol in WA: Revealed

We’re proud to have our signature on the WA’s Hidden Crisis: Harm From Alcohol report. The Cancer Council WA has released the WA Hidden Crisis: Harm from Alcohol report, in partnership with WA Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies, Alcohol and Drug Foundation and Telethon Kids Institute, highlighting the harm alcohol inflicts on the WA community.

Alcohol-related harm is unacceptably high in WA. The time to act is now.

Upcoming Conferences

Injury Matters will be speaking at a range of important conferences in 2022. Our presentations will cover activities including advocacy, regional engagement, community attitudes, media, and campaigns at:

Esperance | Road Trauma Support WA

Our team had the pleasure of visiting Esperance for three days in mid-June and engaging with different groups in the community. The team were on the go as soon as they landed in Esperance with a workshop delivered to trucking and transport organisations on the importance of investing in physical and mental health which was organised through the Shire of Esperance.

If you think your community would benefit from having the team visit your region, please connect with us at [email protected] or 6166 7688 so we can tailor something to suit.

Did you Remove Hazards? | Stay On Your Feet®

The Remove Hazards campaign has come to an end after a three-month focus on creating safe environments as well as looking after your eyesight and feet to reduce the risk of falls and promote healthy ageing. While the Remove Hazards campaign saw new COVID-19 restrictions, in the spirit of Remove Hazards, Injury Matters navigated this obstacle in our path to deliver a range of activities for the community and health professionals.

The Remove Hazards campaign included a television and social media campaign across WA, training for health professionals, two successful grants, and community events.

Burden of Injury in WA | Know Injury

Injury Matters’ Know Injury program and the WA Department of Health’s Epidemiology Directorate have recently collaborated to produce a new resource, ‘Burden of Injury in WA’.

Utilising data collated from the 2018 Australian Burden of Disease Study, this resource assists in quantifying the fatal and non-fatal burden of injury in WA and reinforces the significant impact that injury continues to have on the WA community.

Injury Prevention 101 | eLearning

Developed for WA’s injury prevention sector (i.e. local government workers, health promotion officers, community engagement officers and recent graduates), this Module will guide you through the Public Health Approach to Injury Prevention and support you to plan, implement and evaluate activities/strategies to prevent or reduce harm from injury in your community.

2022 National Reconciliation Week

While National Reconciliation week draws to an end, our work towards reconciliation does not. We all have a role to play in reconciliation. While the journey may be confronting, emotional and challenging, we will continue to stand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We will continue to listen, learn and grow.

Injury Matters were privileged to be invited by South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS) to join them in the Reconciliation Bridge Walk in Goomburrup (Bunbury) on Thursday 26th May.  Two members of the Injury Matters team joined over 2,800 people attending the event.

Youth Alcohol Action Plan 2022-2025

The Belmont /Victoria Park / South Perth Local Drug Action Group launched their Youth Alcohol Action plan for 2022-2025 at the John McGrath Pavilion, South Perth, on the 1st June 2022 with Injury Matters’ General Manager of Injury Prevention, Sam Menezes, as MC.

The event was the culmination of 12 months of collaboration and consultation with 26 state and local service providers and approximately 50 young people living within the City of Belmont and the City of South Perth.

Recent report highlights falls as a drowning risk

A new study has shed light on drowning risks for older people in Australia, with one-fifth of deaths attributable to an unexpected fall into water.

The Royal Life Saving Society Australia research looked at ten years of data, analysing the contributing factors in almost 600 drowning deaths in those aged 65 years and over. In most cases, falls-related drowning in older people occurred at, or close to, home.

Team News

This month, our team ran another competition to see who could identify our team members from their baby pictures – and Jo’s lighting fingers did the trick once more! Turns out Jo is not just speedy at knowing our at-home setups, but also our baby pics. (Should we be concerned?) Well done, and look out in the next round, Jo! 👀

We’re looking for two new Counsellors for our service – view our Careers page and join the team.

We strive to be culturally sensitive as we represent the Western Australian community in our imagery.

Please be advised that our website or resources may contain images, videos, or voices of people who have since passed away.

If any material causes concern, please contact us on (08) 6166 7688.