Photos and video footage should not be published or broadcast before all families involved in the road traffic incident have been notified.
This applies to imagery of individuals affected by the incident, vehicles involved in the crash scene, personal belongings and any other identifying features of the vehicle. Where images may appear generic or dated, they are readily identifiable by the loved ones of those involved in the incident.
To support a Safe System approach to road safety, where ‘generic’ imagery is used it is recommended that it reflects a safe road, such as sealed road shoulders with audible lines and a low travel speed.

Carefully consider the impact on families when using images or footage from an incident where someone was killed or seriously injured.

Do not use any footage or images from a different incident.

Provide a warning in the introduction of the story that the content may distress some viewers.

Do not use any dashcam footage.

Follow cultural protocols regarding using the name or image of a deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person.