Stories about road trauma can adversely affect people, particularly those previously affected by another trauma.
After a road traffic incident, people often find the most important things are time, understanding and support from family and friends. However, if an individual is experiencing ongoing or distressing symptoms which are interfering with their usual life, professional support should be sought.

To normalise help-seeking behaviour and reduce barriers individuals may face to accessing professional support, it is essential that information about support services are included when reporting on any road traffic incident.
At least two crisis support options should be listed and they should be selected based on the type of media output that the report is being included in and who the story is being communicated to.
Support Services
Organisation | Contact |
Road Trauma Support WA | 1300 004 814 |
Lifeline | 13 11 14 |
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800 |
Crisis Care | 1800 199 008 |
GriefLine | 1300 845 745 |
Here for you | 1800 437 348 |
Rural Link | 1800 552 002 |
Road Trauma Support WA
Injury Matters’ Road Trauma Support WA service provides free support, information and counselling to Western Australians affected by a road crash.
Our dedicated team provide non-judgemental, confidential and free support and counselling, regardless of when the crash occurred or what the involvement was in the incident.
No referral is required. Counselling sessions can be face-to-face, by telephone or via video call. Resources are also available to support common reactions for affected by a road incident, what helps after road trauma and when to seek help.
If you or anyone you know has been affected by a road crash contact Road Trauma Support WA on 1300 004 814.