RAP Ready Forum
Are you RAP Ready? Hosted by Danny Ford and Tim Muirhead, Reconciliation WA present this free online forum to support organisations commencing or continuing their Reconciliation Action Plan journey.

National Safe Work Month
Held each October, national Safe Work Month aims to encourage individuals and organisations to prioritise work health and safety and take preventative action to reduce the number of work-related injuries, illness and fatalities.
With a theme of ‘Safety is everyone’s business’, it reminds us that a safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle across all industries and occupations.

New Homelessness Dashboard
Developed by CSI UWA for the WA Alliance to End Homelessness, this new dashboard tracks progress through a systems approach bringing together data from multiple sources of publicly available data.
Detailing trends, prevention and homelessness funding, the dashboard aims to answer the question: Are we on track to end homelessness in WA?

Amnesty International Australia Inclusive Language Guide
This guide has been developed to empower people and ensure everyone feels included and respected. Inclusive language is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect stereotyped, discriminatory or prejudiced views of groups or people.
By putting the person first and not focussing on how society defines them, inclusive language enables everyone to feel valued and respected and comfortable to contribute their talents.

AIHW: Mesothelioma in Australia 2023 Report
This report presents the latest available information on the incidence of mesothelioma in Australia. On average, 2 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma in Australia each day with the median age at diagnosis being 77 years old. There is no cure for mesothelioma with the main cause being exposure to asbestos, a material that has been banned in Australia since the end of 2003.

National Suicide Prevention Strategy consultation
The draft Advice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy is now open for public consultation. The feedback received through this public consultation process will inform advice to Government on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy.
The public consultation period will close on midnight Sunday, 27th of October 2024.

Advocacy Win for WALGA: Funding for Off-road Vehicle Areas
The State Government announcement of $4.8 million to develop and improve off-road vehicle areas across the states is welcomed by WALGA.
The grants program is now open and seeks to add to and support Local Government Off-road Vehicle areas. Funding is available for up to $1million to construct new sites and up to $200,000 for expanding and upgrading existing sites.
Applications are now open and close November 8, 2024.

Safe Work Australia: Workplace and work-related violence and aggression in Australia report
With a 56% increase in the number of serious workers’ compensation claims for assault and exposure to work-place violence over the last five years, insights from this report can help PCBUs and workers to better understand and manage the risk of violence and aggression in their workplace.

Office of Multicultural Interests Community Grants
Funding grants are available for a variety of categories including Community Capacity Building and Strategic Projects for organisations that are either a CaLD community association or a CaLD community service organisation.

Streets Alive Funding
Applications for funding of up to $100,000 are currently open for projects aiming to create vibrant, safe and connected communities that engage with their community in the planning and transformation of local streets. This community-led funding program is delivered by town Team Movement in partnerships with Main Roads WA and WALGA.

Upcoming events:
- 9 October | Enhancing Cognitive Health in Older Adults Webinar
- 9 October | 2024 Local Government Planning Showcase
- 23-24 October | Ending Coercive Control and Family Violence Conference
- 28-30 October | Personal Injury & Disability Management National Conference & Awards 2024
- 30 October | Falls Forum
- 20-22 November | Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity (ASPA) 20224 Conference
- 21-22 November | Tackling Stigma Conference