Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body Campaign Toolkit
The Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body Campaign Toolkit is now available for download! Get involved in the Move Your Body Campaign from 1st September to 30th November 2022. The Move Your Body campaign aims to educate older adults, and health and community workers on the importance of building strength and balance to prevent falls and promote healthy ageing.
To support health and community workers engage in the Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body campaign, Injury Matters has released a campaign toolkit that provides ready-to-use social media posts and images, eSignatures, resources, upcoming training and events calendar, and a facilitator guide to hosting your own event.

An introduction to mental health promotion webinar
The PHAA WA Branch is running an online webinar on Thursday 25 August to introduce health promotion practitioners to the specialist field of mental health promotion. The webinar will explore the unique issues and evidence base of this key branch of health promotion practice.

New Alcohol. Think Again campaign
The new We All Need To Say No campaign is a joint initiative by the Mental Health Commission and Cancer Council WA. The campaign encourages parents to talk to their kids early and often about how alcohol can affect the developing brain.

Prevention in Practice Pilot Sessions
Preventing Violence Together are delivering pilot sessions of the Prevention in Practice two-day training free of charge. This two-day training is adapted from Safe and Equal for delivery in WA and is designed to equip individuals working in the primary prevention of family and domestic violence in WA with foundational knowledge and skills.

ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing 2020-21
The first phase of the latest National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing was conducted between December 2020 and July 2021. It provides an overview of the 12-month prevalence of mental disorders, suicidal behaviours and information on service use.

2022 YACWA Youth Sector Survey
YACWA members, young people and the youth sector are invited to complete the annual Youth Sector Survey. Complete the survey today to provide your feedback, particularly on YACWA’s policy work and your training needs.

NDARC Annual Research Symposium
Registrations are now open for the National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre’s Annual Research Symposium. This free online event will showcase the work of leading researchers in the alcohol and other drugs sector.

Submit a paper to an upcoming National Indigenous Conference
There are a number of National Indigenous Conferences being held in Cairns in December. If you have a project to share with the broader sector, visit the website today to see if your project aligns to the conference themes. Conferences include the; 2022 National Indigenous STOP Domestic Violence & Healing Conference, 2022 First Nations Men’s Wellbeing Conference and 2022 First Nations Women’s Wellbeing Conference.

Neighbourhood Watch’s new website
Neighborhood Watch has launched a new website to celebrate their 40th birthday. Visit the updated website and access additional information today.

CAHS Research Education:
Program webinar series
The Child and Adolescent Health Service’s Research Education Program have several Research Skills Seminars coming up. These Seminars cover key topics across the research process.
View the calendar today and sign up for upcoming events regarding Consumer and Community Involvement in Research, Media and Communications in Research and Knowledge Translation.

Upcoming Training Events
30 August | Setting the record straight on evidence-based exercises for falls prevention
31 August | COVID-19 impact on mental health in older adults
1 – 4 SEPTEMBER | 2022 Trauma Conference
6 September | Incontinence and falls in adults
7 +14 SEPTEMBER | Tai Chi for Arthritis training
28 – 30 SEPTEMBER | 2022 Australasian Road Safety Conference
4 October | Breaking Barriers: multicultural communities in WA
7 – 8 NOVEMBER | WA Mental Health Conference
27 – 30 NOVEMBER | Safety 2022 Conference
NOW | Falls Prevention online modules
NOW | Injury Prevention online module