Stay On Your Feet® falls prevention campaign
The Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body campaign will run will run from 1st March- 31st May 2024, encouraging older adults to build their balance and strengthen their legs through fun, regular exercises to prevent falls and support healthy ageing.
Read more about what activities are happening throughout WA and how you can get involved.
Stay On Your Feet® Improve Your Health Grants Open
Applications are now open for the Improve Your Health round of Stay On Your Feet® Move Improve Remove grants. Grants up to $5,000 (plus GST) are available and will fund projects running between 1 September and 30 November 2024.
APA Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2024–25.
Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has released their Federal pre-budget submission. It includes specific priorities for falls prevention including physio-led preventative falls prevention programs.
Read the APA Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2024–25.
Elder abuse grants available
Regional local governments and registered not-for-profit organisations around WA can apply for grants of up to $3,000 to hold initiatives from 10-30 June to raise awareness of elder abuse. Metropolitan-based organisations can also apply to run in-person regional activities.
The grants process closes on 12 April 2024.
National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022–2023
The AIHW has released the latest National Drug Strategy Household Survey. This annual publication provides insight into the health-related impacts of alcohol and other drug use in Australia. The results indicate that around 1 in 3 Australians drank alcohol in ways that put their health at risk in 2022-2023 and that the use of electronic cigarettes and vapes nearly tripled since 2019.
Given the impact of alcohol consumption on an individual’s injury risk, view the publication today to learn about key demographic groups impacted by alcohol and other drug-related harm.
Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2023
HealhInfoNet have released the latest edition of the annual Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status publication.
The Report highlights the ongoing burden of injury faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including that; injury was the second leading cause of hospitalisation in Australia in 2021-22, with the leading causes being falls (21%), exposure to mechanical forces (19%) and assault (17%).
AIHW Web Report | Contact with animals
AIHW have added to their suite of injury-related web reports by providing an overview of the patterns and trends in hospitalised injury cases due to contact with animals between July 2012 and June 2022.
The report highlights that Australians are 6.6 times as likely to be hospitalised due to injury involving non-venomous compared to venomous animals.
Spinal injuries in Australia 2020-21
The latest AIHW web report into spinal injuries highlights that 53 spinal injuries arrive in Australian Emergency Departments every day. The leading cause of spinal injury hospitalisations was falls, followed by transport.
Preliminary fatalities data
Safe Work Australia recently redesigned the preliminary fatalities dashboard. The dashboard shows the latest estimate of worker fatalities in Australian workplaces. Data provided includes number of deaths by industry and a breakdown by mechanism.
Data for 2024 is updated fortnightly and preliminary data is routinely updates as more information about fatalities in Australia are known.
Violence prevention training
Preventing Violence Together (PVT) has a number of Foundations of Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women workshops open for registration. The workshops are based on the Australian national Change the story framework for preventing violence against women, developed by Our Watch.
- Geraldton – April 3 (1 x full day)
- Mandurah - May 22 & 29 (2 x half days)
- Northam - June 13 & 20 (2 x half days)
Upcoming Training and Events
- April 12 | WACOSS Emerging Issues Webinar
- April 17 | Active Balance for Falls Prevention training
- April 24 | Aboriginal Health Council of WA Community Controlled Health Sector Conference
- April 30 – 2 May 2024 | PHAA Preventive Health Conference
- May 1 | Evaluating Alcohol & Other Drug Programs – Kalgoorlie
- May 7, | Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention- Instructor Training
- May 8 and 15 | Evaluation webinars