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Volunteer Feature: Meet Jo!

Our Stay On Your Feet® Volunteer Peer Educators represent diverse individuals from various backgrounds, all aged 55 or over, each with a passion for community and action.

Meet Jo

Jo worked as a registered nurse in school health for 30 years. She loved working with children with special needs as well as in aged care. Jo and her husband of 56 years have two daughters and two grandchildren who keep her very busy.  

After retiring Jo has taken on a number of volunteer roles including supporting a lady in aged care, Stitches of Hope and as a peer educator with Injury Matters.  

Jo first heard about the peer education role on a Curtin radio advert back in 2015 and has been volunteering for Injury Matters ever since.

“I really enjoy the chance to meet new faces and present ‘the Gospel’ as my husband calls it! It’s such a commonsense program, and people seem to really connect with the information.”  

Jo, about her role with Injury Matters

Her advice to others interested in volunteering is “to take up the challenge for the rewards are great and although it can be daunting the community are very receptive and encouraging,” and be assured that “the staff at Injury Matters are so supportive and encouraging so I never feel I am on my own, so that’s a very big plus.” 

Jo has faced many challenges over the past few years and despite this, has continued as an incredibly vibrant peer educator sharing her knowledge and passion for falls prevention with the community.

“Looking on the positive with a smile on your face is my mantra.”


Find out more about volunteering for Injury Matters and educating older adults about how to prevent falls and falls related injuries today!

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