Injury Matters is proud to deliver the Stay On Your Feet® program, on behalf of the Western Australian Department of Health for over 20 years. During the 2021/2022 financial year the Stay On Your Feet® program continued to deliver innovative strategies that support community engagement and systemic change for falls prevention and active ageing.

Aligning to the programs key message, Move Improve Remove, two campaigns were implemented over the last twelve months, Improve Your Health (September – November) and Remove Hazards (March – May). Each campaign involved a variety of activities to increase older adults awareness of how to prevent falls and to support WA’s diverse falls prevention sector implement falls prevention activities.
Through purpose, evidence and a collaborative approach, in 2022/23 Injury Matters will continue to work to have a positive impact on the lives of older Western Australians by preventing falls.

To stay up to date with upcoming Stay On Your Feet® activities sign up to the Stay On Your Feet® monthly eNews below or contact Injury Matters on 6166 7688.