Personal Water Craft Safety Education Campaign
The Department of Transport has launched a safety education campaign about the rules and safety equipment requirements for using personal water craft in WA.

Suicide Prevention Grants
The Western Australian Suicide Prevention Grants Program is funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia and administered by Suicide Prevention Australia. The grant funding is for Western Australian projects or programs which focus on preventing suicide for groups disproportionately impacted by suicide.
Grants of up to $100,000 to build on existing community strengths, abilities, and expertise to fund innovative, place-based initiatives that meet local needs. Applications close 19 February.

ThinkUKnow Australia CaLD resources
Providing advice for parents, carers and educators on how to have important conversations about online safety, this initiative has created resources to raise awareness and deliver education about preventing online child sexual exploitation.
These resources cover sensitive topics of online children exploitation and online grooming and have been translated into various languages for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Drowning Prevention Resources
Royal Life Saving WA has released new downloadable water safety resources for keeping children safe around water.
Local Governments are encouraged to share these resources with parents and carers.

New Kidsafe WA Childhood Injury Research Reports and Bulletins
Kidsafe WA have released new reports regarding childhood injuries in WA. The 2023-2024 Annual Report, Injuries Occurring in Spring and Injuries to Babies bulletins provide a valuable insight into the incidence of childhood injuries in WA.

Upcoming Events
- 4-5 March | Screening Conference 2025 – Population Screening for Chronic Disease – Maximising Benefits, Minimising Harms
- 22 – 23 March | WA Rural Health Conference 2025
- 28-30 April | Preventative Health Conference 2025 – Prevention is Political
- 12-14 May | WACOSS Conference – Innovating Together: Leaving no one behind
- 20 – 23 October | 2025 Australasian Road Safety Conference
- 19 – 21 November | Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference