What's going on in injury prevention this month?
It's the final month of the Stay On Your Feet® Move Your Body campaign and the team at Injury Matters have certainly been busy.
Following road trauma, your ability to enjoy a good night’s sleep may be affected.
Local Governments in WA have made moving your body free and simple with outdoor fitness equipment.
Meet Kellie Wilson, the Healthy Communities Officer at the City of Mandurah.
Injury Matters sits down with Anyes Icher, a qualified Tai Chi Instructor, to talk all things tai chi.
Many children each year are involved and impacted by road crashes. How can you best support them following a crash?
The Australian Bureau of Statistics latest release “Cause of Death Australia 2021” provides an overview of the fatal impact that injury has in Australia.
What's going on in injury prevention this month?
Road Trauma Support WA has had another busy quarter out in the community.
Road trauma can leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, helpless and vulnerable. How do we cope?
The Injury Matters Evidence Bank plays host to a range of injury prevention publications, reports and resources to help you.